Three ski tourists walking to the summit

Three ski tourists walking to the summit; Switzerland by Penny Kendall - 1X
Giclée Stretched Canvas Print
All our stretched Canvas are custom made on a Premium Fine Art Matte Canvas 410g/m2 1.5 Inch Thick wood for a real gallery look Giclee printing with Pigment ink designed to meet galleries and museum longevity requirements and ensure consistency of shades 200 years old.
Three ski tourists walking to the summit - Powderaddicts
12x9inches (31x23cm)
16x12inches (41x31cm)
20x15inches (51x38cm)
24x18inches (62x46cm)
30x23inches (77x59cm)
36x27inches (92x69cm)
42x32inches (108x82cm)
48x36inches (123x92cm)
55x41inches (141x105cm)
60x45inches (154x115cm)